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How to write a trigger algorithm

The DUNE DAQ data selection software separates physics algorithms (which make trigger activity and trigger candidate objects) from concerns about how the data objects are packaged and transported through the data selection system.

Physics algorithms are implemented in the triggeralgs package. To create a new physics algorithm, create a class that derives from triggeralgs::TriggerActivityMaker or triggeralgs::TriggerCandidateMaker as appropriate. I'll use TriggerActivityMaker for definiteness from here on: if you're writing a TriggerCandidateMaker, make the appropriate substitutions.

In your derived class, you must implement one pure virtual function, namely:

void operator()(const TriggerPrimitive& input_tp, std::vector<TriggerActivity>& output_ta);

This function will be called by the data selection framework once for each input TriggerPrimitive. Your implementation should do whatever processing it wants, and if the addition of the latest TriggerPrimitive causes a new output TriggerActivity to be complete, add the TriggerActivity to the output vector output_ta.

The data selection framework will make calls to operator() with the TriggerPrimitives strictly ordered by start time. That is, once operator() has been called with a TriggerPrimitive whose start time is T, it will not later be called with a TriggerPrimitive whose start time is less than T. (If two TriggerPrimitives have exactly the same time, the relative order of the calls to operator() is unspecified.)

You will of course need to store the state of your algorithm between calls to operator(): use member variables in your class for this.

It's recommended (but not strictly required) to also implement the flush() function from TriggerActivityMaker, whose signature is:

virtual void flush(timestamp_t until, std::vector<TriggerActivity>& output_ta)

The reason this function exists is to handle the case where there is a large gap between trigger primitives (or, more likely, between trigger activities). During this gap, operator() is not called, and so your algorithm cannot send its output, even if such a long time has passed that you know that any trigger activities currently in progress can be completed and sent out. In this case, the data selection framework calls your implementation of flush(until, output_ta) to inform you that no more trigger primitives have occurred between the last one for which operator() was called and timestamp until. If this causes your algorithm to complete any trigger activities, you can add them to the output_ta vector.


Your algorithm may take configuration parameters at run time (eg, a minimum number of hits or ADC to form a trigger activity, or a verbosity level). Your algorithm receives these configuration parameters via the configure() function, whose signature is:

void configure(const nlohmann::json &config);

The config argument is in nlohmann::json format, documentation for which can be found at . Here is a simple example implementation, from the TriggerActivityMakerPrescale algorithm:

TriggerActivityMakerPrescale::configure(const nlohmann::json &config)
  if (config.is_object() && config.contains("prescale"))
    m_prescale = config["prescale"]; 
  TLOG_DEBUG(TRACE_NAME) << "Using activity prescale " << m_prescale;

For instructions about actually constructing a configuration to pass to your algorithm, see the "Using your algorithm in the dunedaq framework" section below.


Inputs from a number of sources may be aggregated to send to a physics algorithm. The standard aggregation is that a TriggerActivityMaker receives trigger primitives aggregated over one APA, including both collection and induction channels, and a TriggerCandidateMaker receives trigger activities aggregated over the whole detector. We can consider alterations and additions to this scheme in future.

Using your algorithm in the dunedaq framework

To run your algorithm from within the dunedaq framework (ie, inside a daq_application), you have to create a plugin for your algorithm in the trigger package (note, not the triggeralgs package where your algorithm code lives). To create the plugin, make a file in the plugins/ directory of the trigger package named MyAlgNamePlugin.cpp (replace MyAlgName with the actual name of your algorithm), with the following contents:

#include "trigger/AlgorithmPlugins.hpp"
#include "triggeralgs/path/to/MyAlgName.hpp" // Your algorithm's header file


For a TriggerCandidateMaker, replace the last line with DEFINE_DUNE_TC_MAKER(triggeralgs::MyAlgName).

The plugin must be compiled in order to be used. To do this, add a line to the CMakeLists.txt file in trigger. For a TriggerActivityMaker:

daq_add_plugin(MyAlgNamePlugin duneTAMaker LINK_LIBRARIES trigger)

For a TriggerCandidateMaker:

daq_add_plugin(MyAlgNamePlugin duneTCMaker LINK_LIBRARIES trigger)

Once your code is hooked into the dunedaq framework as a plugin, you can run a DAQ job that reads data from a file and passes it to your algorithm. Instructions on how to do that (including choosing configuration parameters for your algorithm) can be found here:

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Author: Philip Rodrigues

Date: Tue Jun 29 10:19:44 2021 +0100

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