

This package contains the 'core' schema for the DUNE daq OKS configuration.


The top level of the schema is the Session which defines some global DAQ parameters and has a relationship to a single top-level Segment. It also has a list of disabled Resources. It is intended that parts of the DAQ system that are not required in the current run are simply disabled rather than deleted from the database altogether.

A Segment is a logical grouping of applications and resources which are controlled by a single controller. A Segment may contain other nested Segment**s. A **Segment is a Resource that can be enabled/disabled, disabling a Segment disables all of its nested **Segment**s.

The Application class has attibutes defining the application's application_name (executable name) and commandline_parameters. Its applicationEnvironment relationship lists environment variables needed by the application in addition to those defined by the Session. An example Python script that prints out the environment for enabled applications in the

Session is provided in the scripts directory.


ReadoutMap schema

The ReadoutMap included here is currently a direct translation from the jsonnet schema in the daqconf package with the addition of a grouping class ReadoutGroup.

The DROStreamConf class inherits from ResourceBase allowing individual streams to be disabled. DROStreamConfs are grouped into ReadoutGroups which inherit from ResourceSetAND so if all streams in a group are disabled the group itself is disabled.



The idea is that this decribes the subset of resources of a physical host server that are available to an Application. For example two applications may be assigned to the same physical server but each be allocated resources of a different NUMA node.

DaqApplication and DaqModule

The DaqApplication contains a list of DaqModule**s each of which has a list of used resources. The **DaqApplication provides a method get_used_hostresources which can be called by appfwk in order to check that these resources are indeed associated with the VirtualHost by comparing with those listed in its hw_resources relationship.


Describes the connection type and points to the Service running over this connection.

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: Giovanna Lehmann Miotto

Date: Sun Nov 26 17:13:12 2023 +0100

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