

The intention of this page is to provide a few simple instructions that new or casual users can use to quickly demonstrate the operation of a small DAQ system that uses emulators instead of real electronics.

The steps fall into a few general categories (setup the environment, generate the sample system configuration, and use nanorc to run the sample system), and they draw on more detailed instructions from other repositories, for example, daq-buildtools and nanorc.

As of Oct-4-2022, here are the steps that should be used when you first create your local software working area (i.e. <work_dir>):

  1. log into a system that has access to /cvmfs/

  2. source /cvmfs/

  3. setup_dbt latest-gcc12

  4. dbt-create -c -b candidate rc-v3.2.0-2 <work_dir>

  5. cd <work_dir>

  6. dbt-workarea-env

  7. download a raw data file, either by running "curl -o frames.bin -O" or clicking on the CERNBox link) and put it into <work_dir>

  8. git clone

  9. fddaqconf_gen --hardware-map-file daq-systemtest/config/default_system_HardwareMap.txt daq_fake

  10. nanorc daq_fake ${USER}-test boot conf start_run 101 wait 60 stop_run shutdown

  11. examine the contents of the HDf5 file with commands like the following:

  12. h5dump-shared -H -A swtest_run000101_0000_*.hdf5

  13. and

  14. -n 3 -p all -f swtest_run000101_0000_*.hdf5

If you intend to run nanorc on the Kubernetes cluster, then these instructions may be useful.

When you return to this work area (for example, after logging out and back in), you can skip the 'setup' steps in the instructions above. For example:

  1. cd <work_dir>

  2. source ./

  3. dbt-workarea-env

  4. nanorc daq_fake ${USER}-test boot conf start_run 102 wait 60 stop_run shutdown

More detailed explanations on what's going on with the steps above and how to create different configurations can be found in Instructions for different configurations for first-time users

If and when you are ready to start looking at existing code and possibly modifying it, you can use steps like the following:

  1. cd <work_dir>

  2. source ./

  3. dbt-workarea-env

  4. cd sourcecode

  5. git clone<package_name>.git -b develop

  6. e.g. git clone -b develop

  7. the full list of available repository is here

  8. cd ..

  9. dbt-build

  10. dbt-workarea-env

  11. continue as described above...

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: jtenavidal

Date: Tue Sep 19 09:58:44 2023 -0400

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