
FAQ for Kubernetes

What was that command again to use K8s with the NP04 cluster?

fddaqconf_gen --force-pm k8s .... conf-dir # generate the configuration in the usual way, with the --force-pm
nanorc --pm k8s://np04-srv-016:31000 conf-dir session-name

NanoRC exited ungracefully and all my apps are still running, what do I do?

kubectl delete namespace <your-session-name>
should sort you out.

NanoRC can't start the response listener, what do I do?

See the same entry in the FAQ.

NanoRC won't boot my apps?

There are many reasons why this could happen, here are the 2 most common: - Somebody else is running on the same server, in which case you need to pass --partition-number 1 (or any number between 1 and 10) to the nanorc command. - Somebody else is running with the same k8s namespace, in which case you should change the session name - The machine you are trying to run on don't have enough resources (or at least k8s thinks so). You can check the exact reason by heading to the np04-srv-015:31001 page, then selecting your session name, and going to the list of pod and selecting the one that hasn't started.

Where are my app logs?

To see logs, do:

kubectl logs -n <your-session-name> <app-name>

I want more logs

See the same entry in the FAQ.

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: Pierre Lasorak

Date: Thu Oct 5 17:51:22 2023 +0200

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