
DUNE Far Detector Data Formats

This repository contains bitfields of far detector raw data and utilities used to decode them. For more on this concept, see also the detdataformats documentation. Each section below describes the utilities available for different parts of the far detector. Links are provided to the code; be aware, however, that the code you're linked to is taken from the head of this package's develop branch and consequently may differ from the code you may be using.



The WIBFrame class contains a nested set of overlay classes and structs. WIBFrame includes private instances of WIBHeader and an array of ColdataBlock structs, accessible via getter functions. Each ColdataBlock struct contains a public instance of a ColdataHeader and a public array of ColdataSegments.

Through these classes and structs it's possible to access the value of any channel/ADC combination in a WIB frame, as well as set these values. In the case of both ColdataBlock and its component ColdataSegments, only the channel and ADC numbers need to be provided; to do this directly with an instance of a WIBFrame, the ColdataBlock index needs to be provided as well.

Other useful functions in WIBFrame include setters for the timestamp and WIB errors in its WIBHeader instance, as well as a streamer which allows developers to easily print the contents of the WIBFrame instance using the << operator on the instance.



A WIB2Frame instance contains as members instances of the WIB2Frame::Header and WIB2Frame::Trailer structs as well as an array of ADC values. This reflects the definition of the WIB format given in It also has getters and setters for ADC values, including options to select among U-channel, V-channel and X-channel ADCs when doing so. It's also possible to easily obtain the timestamp of the frame via get_timestamp.



DAPHNEFrame is used for working with data produced by DAPHNE front end boards (DAPHNE = Detector electronics for Acquiring PHotons from Neutrinos). Technical details on DAPHNE can be found in The structure of DAPHNEFrame is similar in some ways to the structure of WIB2Frame: it consists of an instance of a DAPHNEFrame::Header and DAPHNEFrame::Trailer struct, as well as an array of ADCs. It also contains a get_timestamp function as well as getters and setters for ADC values.



This header contains enums describing commands to control SSPs as well as statuses returned by SSPs. It also contains a set of structs, including EventHeader (overlay class for the header of SSP data), CtrlHeader (overlay class for the header of command data sent to SSPs), CtrlPacket (a CtrlHeader instance plus a data payload), and MillisliceHeader (describing the time window and trigger info of SSP data).

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: John Freeman

Date: Mon Apr 24 10:18:07 2023 -0500

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