
Nightly Releases and Continuous Integration for DUNE DAQ Software

JCF, Jan-6-2024: the CI dashboard below hasn't worked for some time. It would be good to reinstate a functioning dashboard showing each repo's build status

New Features

🆕 Checkout the CI Dashboard to get an overview of recently CI build status for DAQ repositories in DUNE-DAQ organization.


  • Continuous Integration (CI):

    • developers integrate code into share repository frequently;

    • each integration will be verified by automated build and tests;

  • CI configuration is easy in the case of one or a few packages; however, things can become quickly complicated when number of packages grows:

    • PRs for same feature affecting multiple packages need to be built together;

    • Each repo to have CI jobs building the whole release is just too expensive;

  • Nightly release becomes necessary.

    • at the end of day, the develop release will be re-made;

    • it will be the base for each repo's CI in the next day;

    • releated PRs in multiple repos should be merged to develop on the same day.

Nightly build DAQ releases

  • As of Feb-11-2024, there are nightly builds both for the longer-term v5-focused development and for shorter-term v4-focused development used for data taking at np04
  • Built off the HEAD of the develop or production/v4 branches of the relevant DAQ repositories
  • Builds in GitHub Actions every night, scheduled not to interfere with American or European working hours
  • Published (deployed) to /cvmfs/

How the nightly releases are made

  • The GitHub Workflows which perform the build-and-publish are defined in .github/workflows/build-nightly-release-alma9.yml and build-nightly-release-sl7.yml; note that they make use of scripts/spack/ script to do so, which can also be run at the command line
  • Analogous to how frozen and candidate releases are made, the nightly release's packages are defined via release.yaml files in configs/coredaq/coredaq-develop,configs/fddaq/fddaq-develop and configs/nddaq/nddaq-develop
  • The Workflows will use the most recent versions of daq-buildtools and daq-cmake to build all the DUNE DAQ repos off of their develop or production/v4 branches, and upload the build as artifacts (an example).
  • The build is performed in an image which contains the externals packages and can be found in the daq-docker repo; for the Alma9 build this image is and for the SL7 build it's
  • The resulting builds are saved in the images (Alma9 build on Alma9 OS), (SL7 build on SL7 OS) and (SL7 build on Centos Stream 8 OS)
  • The workflow also publishes the builds automatically to /cvmfs/

A snapshot of the Actions page

Per-repository CI

  • This is a build of the repository which runs inside; i.e. the build is done against the latest nightly build

  • CI build is triggered by:

    • Push to develop;
    • Pull request to develop;
    • Every night after the full nightly build is performed;
    • Manual trigger.
  • Defined in the .github repository

  • Any change to this Workflow can be published to every individual repo using this script

Some details of the CI workflow

  • It sets up a working directory using the develop release first;
  • it unsetup the package itself before building;
  • the build log and pre-build package is saved for 90 days on GitHub;
  • You can add additional tests after the building step;
  • Almost all DAQ packages currently included in the release have CI workflow enabled.

CI workflow triggered by Pull request

CI workflow status for latest commit merged into develop

Manually trigger a CI workflow

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: John Freeman

Date: Wed Apr 10 13:31:38 2024 -0500

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