
About daq-release

AL9 Spack Nightly Workflow (prod, v4)

Spack Nightly Workflow (prod, v4)

AL9 Spack Nightly Workflow (dev, v5)

Spack Nightly Workflow (dev, v5)

Nightly Integration Test Workflow

This is a repo containing DUNE DAQ release making tools, configuration files, and build scripts for both DUNE-DAQ and external packages.

Table of contents

For DAQ software developers and users:

  1. DAQ software development workflow

  2. List of GitHub Teams and Repositories

  3. How to build external software with Spack in a local workarea

For the Software Coordination team (expert only):

  1. Nightly Releases and Continuous Integration

  2. Creating a new DAQ release

  3. How to publish files to cvmfs

  4. How to build a new stack of external software

Single-Repo CI Build Status

JCF, Mar-3-2024: since near detector packages have been dropped from nightlies of both the production/v4 and v5 lines of development, their builds against the nightly are not guaranteed to work

appdal: appdal

appfwk: appfwk

cmdlib: cmdlib

coredal: coredal

ctbmodules: ctbmodules

cibmodules: cibmodules

daq-cmake: daq-cmake

daqconf: daqconf

daqdataformats: daqdataformats

dbe: dbe

detchannelmaps: detchannelmaps

detdataformats: detdataformats

dfmessages: dfmessages

dfmodules: dfmodules

dpdklibs: dpdklibs

ers: ers

erskafka: erskafka

fddaqconf: fddaqconf

fddetdataformats: fddetdataformats

fdreadoutlibs: fdreadoutlibs

fdreadoutmodules: fdreadoutmodules

flxlibs: flxlibs

genconfig: genconfig

hdf5libs: hdf5libs

hermesmodules: hermesmodules

hsilibs: hsilibs

iomanager: iomanager

ipm: ipm

kafkaopmon: kafkaopmon

lbrulibs: lbrulibs

listrev: listrev

logging: logging

nddaqconf: nddaqconf

nddetdataformats: nddetdataformats

ndreadoutlibs: ndreadoutlibs

ndreadoutmodules: ndreadoutmodules

oks: oks

opmonlib: opmonlib

rawdatautils: rawdatautils

rcif: rcif

readoutlibs: readoutlibs

readoutmodules: readoutmodules

restcmd: restcmd

serialization: serialization

sspmodules: sspmodules

timing: timing

timinglibs: timinglibs

tpgtools: tpgtools

trgdataformats: trgdataformats

trigger: trigger

triggeralgs: triggeralgs

uhallibs: uhallibs

utilities: utilities

wibmod: wibmod

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: Andrew Mogan

Date: Wed Apr 10 10:01:40 2024 -0500

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