
Trigger Candidate Dump Info is a plotting script that shows TC diagnostic information. This includes histograms of all the available data members and ADC integral (sum of all contained TA ADC integrals) and a few light analysis plots: time difference histogram (various start and end time definitions), ADC integral vs number of TAs scatter plot, time spans per TC plot (including a calculation for the number of ticks per TC). These plots are written to a single PDF with multiple pages.

By default, a new PDF is generated (with naming based on the existing PDFs). One can pass --overwrite to overwrite the 0th PDF for a given HDF5 file.

There are two plotting options --linear and --log that set the y-scale for the plots. By default, plots use both scales with linear on the left y-axis and log on the right y-axis. There is an additional plotting option --seconds to produce time plots using seconds instead of ticks.

While running, this can print information about the file reading using -v (warnings) and -vv (all). Errors and useful output information (save names and location) are always outputted.

One can specify which fragments to attempt to load from with the --start-frag option. This is -10 by default in order to get the last 10 fragments for the given file. One can also specify which fragment to end on (not inclusive) with --end-frag option. This is N by default (for the previously mentioned reason).

A text file is generated that gives reference statistics for each TA data member and gives a count of data members that are at least 2 sigma and 3 sigma from the mean. One can use --no-anomaly to stop this file generation.


python file.hdf5
python file.hdf5 --help
python file.hdf5 -v
python file.hdf5 -vv
python file.hdf5 --start-frag 50 --end-frag 100 # Attempts 50 fragments
python file.hdf5 --no-anomaly
python file.hdf5 --log
python file.hdf5 --linear
python file.hdf5 --seconds
python file.hdf5 --overwrite

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: aeoranday

Date: Tue Feb 27 18:18:18 2024 +0100

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