
Trigger Primitive Dump Info is a plotting script that shows TP diagnostic information, such as: TP channel histogram and channel vs time over threshold. Plots are saved as SVGs, PDFs, and PNGs.

A new save name is found that identifies the HDF5 file the script was run on and increments based on preceding plots for the same file. One can overwrite the first set of plots generated by using --overwrite.

There are two plotting options --linear and --log that set the y-scale for the plots. By default, plots use both scales with linear on the left y-axis and log on the right y-axis. There is an additional plotting option --seconds to produce time plots using seconds instead of ticks.

While running, this can print information about the file reading using -v (warnings) and -vv (all). Errors and useful output information (save names and location) are always outputted.

One can specify which fragments to load from with the --start-frag option. This is -10 by default in order to get the last 10 fragments for the given file. One can also specify which fragment to end on (not inclusive) with --end-frag option. This is N by default (for the previously mentioned reason).

A text file is generated that gives reference statistics for each TP data member and gives a count of data members that are at least 2 sigma and 3 sigma from the mean. One can use --no-anomaly to stop this file generation.


python file.hdf5 # Loads last 10 fragments by default.
python file.hdf5 --help
python file.hdf5 -v
python file.hdf5 -vv
python file.hdf5 --start-frag 50 --end-frag 100 # Loads 50 fragments.
python file.hdf5 --no-anomaly
python file.hdf5 --log
python file.hdf5 --linear
python file.hdf5 --seconds
python file.hdf5 --overwrite

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: aeoranday

Date: Tue Feb 27 18:18:18 2024 +0100

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