
Updating Existing Code to Use iomanager

Add iomanager to CMakeLists.txt if necessary

Specifically, if you're using DEP_PKGS appfwk in your daq_codegen call, you will have to add iomanager to the DEP_PKGS list.

Remove nwqueueadapters and register Serializable data types

Since all communication is now handled by IOManager's Sender and Receiver classes in a transport-agnostic way, the NQ classes are no longer needed.

Instead, all data structs which may be transmitted over the network should have the DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZABLE macro called:

namespace dunedaq {
namespace mypackage {
struct Data
  int d1;
  double d2;
  std::string d3;

  Data(int i, double d, std::string s)
    : d1(i), d2(d), d3(s)

  DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZE(Data, d1, d2, d3);
} // namespace mypackage

// Must be in dunedaq namespace only

} // namespace dunedaq
  • Note: Data types which are serialized using DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZE_NON_INTRUSIVE do not need to be updated, DUNE_DAQ_SERIALIZABLE is called as part of that macro.

Use IOManager::configure() instead of NetworkManager/QueueRegistry configuration in tests

Any tests that directly configure QueueRegistry and/or NetworkManager should instead configure IOManager. This translation is fairly straightforward, see IOManager's unit test for examples.

Update Schema Usage

For modules which loop over ModInit::qinfos, they should now loop over ModInit::conn_refs (or update to using DAQModuleHelper, below)

 auto ini = init_data.get<appfwk::app::ModInit>();
  for (const auto& qi : ini.qinfos) {
    if (qi.dir != "output") {
      continue;                 // skip all but "output" direction
      outputQueues_.emplace_back(new sink_t(qi.inst));
    catch (const ers::Issue& excpt)
      throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(),, excpt);

  // AFTER
 auto ini = init_data.get<appfwk::app::ModInit>();
  iomanager::IOManager iom;
  for (const auto& cr : ini.conn_refs) {
    if ("output") == std::string::npos) {
      continue; // skip all but "output" direction
    try {
    } catch (const ers::Issue& excpt) {
      throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(),, excpt);

Update DAQModuleHelper Usage

Instead of appfwk::queue_index or appfwk::queue_inst, use appfwk::connection_index or appfwk::connection_inst. These methods return the iomanager::ConnectionRef objects needed to get the Sender and Receiver objects from the IOManager.

auto qi = appfwk::queue_index(iniobj, {"input","output"});
    inputQueue_.reset(new source_t(qi["input"].inst));
  catch (const ers::Issue& excpt)
    throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(), "input", excpt);
    outputQueue_.reset(new sink_t(qi["output"].inst));
  catch (const ers::Issue& excpt)
    throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(), "output", excpt);

 auto qi = appfwk::connection_index(iniobj, { "input", "output" });
  iomanager::IOManager iom;
  try {
    inputQueue_ = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<IntList>(qi["input"]);
  } catch (const ers::Issue& excpt) {
    throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(), "input", excpt);
  try {
    outputQueue_ = IOManager::get()->get_sender<IntList>(qi["output"]);
  } catch (const ers::Issue& excpt) {
    throw InvalidQueueFatalError(ERS_HERE, get_name(), "output", excpt);

Replace DAQSink with Sender, DAQSource with Receiver

Unfortunately, the signature changes are not easily replaceable with sed.


  • #include "appfwk/DAQSink.hpp becomes #include "iomanager/Sender.hpp"

  • queue_.reset(new DAQSink<T>("name")); must become queue_ = IOManager::get()->get_sender<T>(uid);

  • Instead of std::unique_ptr<DAQSink<T>>, use std::shared_ptr<iomanager::SenderConcept<T>>

  • queue_->push(std::move(obj), timeout); becomes queue_->send(obj, timeout);


  • #include "appfwk/DAQSource.hpp becomes #include "iomanager/Receiver.hpp"

  • queue_.reset(new DAQSource<T>("name")); must become queue_ = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<T>(uid);

  • Instead of std::unique_ptr<DAQSource<T>>, use std::shared_ptr<iomanager::ReceiverConcept<T>>

  • queue_->pop(result, timeout); becomes result = queue_->receive(timeout);

Change Queue-centric send/receive loops

can_push() and can_pop() are not supported by Sender and Receiver. Their usage should be replaced with try..catch blocks:

if(queue_->can_push()) {
} else {
try {
  queue_->send(obj, iomanager::Sender::s_no_block);
} catch(iomanager::TimeoutExpired&) {

Update NetworkManager Usage

  • Replace NetworkManager::get().send_to(conn_name, data) with IOManager::get()->get_sender<T>(conn_name)->send(data)

  • Replace ipm::Receiver::Response res = NetworkManager::get().receive_from(conn_name, tmo) with T res_T = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<T>(conn_name)->receive(tmo)

  • Callbacks should change signature from ipm::Receiver::Response message to whatever type is desired on that connection. Updating the method itself should be straightforward; simply remove the code that takes the message and deserializes it (since that is now handled internally in iomanager::Receiver classes).

  • Callback registration can be done via m_receiver = IOManager::get()->get_receiver<T>(conn_ref); m_receiver->add_callback(&method)

  • Note: Receiver objects remove their callbacks upon destruction, which will occur when IOManager goes out of scope unless the Receiver object is stored as a class member (this may be natually resolved if we decide to change IOManager to a Singleton pattern)

Note on Helper Functions

  • Instead of iomanager::IOManager::get()->get_sender<T>(ref)->send(data), you can simply call get_iom_sender<T>(ref)->send(data)

  • Helper functions are as follows

  • iomanager::IOManager::get() -> get_iomanager()

  • iomanager::IOManager::get()->get_sender<T>(uid) -> get_iom_sender<T>(uid)

  • iomanager::IOManager::get()->get_receiver<T>(uid) -> get_iom_receiver<T>(uid)

Last git commit to the markdown source of this page:

Author: Eric Flumerfelt

Date: Wed Oct 19 13:36:05 2022 -0500

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