
Getting Started

Define information structure to be monitored

Before using opmonlib it is important to understand and define what needs to be monitored.

Monotorable objects can then be captured in a schema file to create C++ structs using moo. Documentation and instructions on generating schema data structures and using moo can be found here:

Examples of how to write schemas can be found here. In general each .jsonnet file contains definitions of types, and the objects to be monitored using these types. Each schema file will generate a C++ header file containing the structures which hold the monitoring data, as defined in the .jsonnet file. Typically each module may only need one struct to hold its monitoring information; however it is possible to create multiple nested structs within a schema, which are filled by the same module, as demonstrated by the timing module.

Filling and collecting structures

Once the information structures have been generated, we need to fill them with data and collect the information for monitoring.

For opmonlib to collect the relevant information from the DAQ module, define the public get_info() function in the DAQ module header file as the following:

void get_info(opmonlib::InfoCollector& ci, int level) override;
The InfoCollector class is used collect the information structures using the add function. The level defines the level of information the user wants to monitor (e.g. default, detailed, debug, etc.). Default information is defined as level=0. An example of how the get_info function is implemented in FakeCardReader.hpp in the readout module:
FakeCardReader::get_info(opmonlib::InfoCollector& ci, int level=0) {
  fakecardreaderinfo::Info fcr;

  fcr.packets = m_packet_count_tot.load();
  fcr.new_packets =;
here the information structure fcr is filled with the relevant data members, and then added to the InfoCollector for monitoring. In this case the filling and collecting is implemented in the same instance.

It is important at this point to consider whether it is necessary to separate filling from collecting. For example, opmonlib may call get_info() for information to be collected at a faster rate than the hardware can handle. In this case, one may want to separate the filling and collecting of information into two separate threads.

The timing module provides an example of how one can do this using its InfoGatherer shown here. InfoGatherer provides a template class which can fill different types of information structures. Examples of this are implemented in TimingHardwareManagerPDI.hpp:

  // monitoring
  InfoGatherer<pdt::timingmon::TimingPDIMasterTLUMonitorData> m_master_monitor_data_gatherer;
  virtual void gather_master_monitor_data(InfoGatherer<pdt::timingmon::TimingPDIMasterTLUMonitorData>& gatherer);

  InfoGatherer<pdt::timingmon::TimingEndpointFMCMonitorData> m_endpoint_monitor_data_gatherer;
  virtual void gather_endpoint_monitor_data(InfoGatherer<pdt::timingmon::TimingEndpointFMCMonitorData>& gatherer);

Dynamic structures

The structures generated using the opmonlib schema cannot contain dynamic structures, i.e. sequences and maps are not allowed. The idea being that dynamic information breaks the logic of the monitoring: it breaks the link between the source of information (source_id) and the information itself.

In order to preserve the structure of the opmon information and to publish dynamic information, a module needs to publish sub-component monitoring information and attach it to its parent. This is done creating a generic InfoCollector object that can be populated with a static schema content and then adding the InfoCollector object to the parent. Pseudo code is:

Nested::example::get_info(opmonlib::InfoCollector& ci, int level)
  parentinfo::Info par_info;
  par_info.counter = ...
  ci.add( par_info );

  opmonlib::InfoCollector tmp_ic;
  daughterinfo::Info info;
  info.daughter_counter = ...
  tmp_ic.add( info );
  ci.add( "daughter_name", tmp_ic );
This will generate two opmon blocks. The first of type parentinfo::Info associated to a source_id decided by upper level code, let's assume it's going to be "". The second block will be of type daughterinfo::Info and its source_id will be "". Of course, any number of InfoCollector can be attached to a parent, effectively turning this procedure into having a dynamic structure.

Examples of this procedure can be seen in dfmodule, in the way the DFO publishes information related to the dfapplications: DFO side and Daughter side. The links point to the code itself, here are the important parts:

// DFO side: the parent that contains a number of dynamic subcomponents
// in a map<string, TriggerRecordBuilderData> called m_dataflow_availability
void DataFlowOrchestrator::get_info(opmonlib::InfoCollector& ci, int level) {

for (auto& [name, app] : m_dataflow_availability) {
    opmonlib::InfoCollector tmp_ic; 
    app.get_info(tmp_ic, level);
    ci.add(name, tmp_ic);

// daughter side
void TriggerRecordBuilderData::get_info(opmonlib::InfoCollector& ci, int /*level*/) {

  // daughter schema-generated object
  dfapplicationinfo::Info info;

  info.completed_trigger_records =;
  info.waiting_time =;
  info.min_completion_time =<int64_t>::max());
  info.max_completion_time =;

  // fill metrics for pending TDs
  info.min_time_since_assignment = std::numeric_limits<decltype(info.min_time_since_assignment)>::max();
  info.max_time_since_assignment = 0;
  info.total_time_since_assignment = 0;



The configuration of opmonlib is currently managed through the environment variables: DUNEDAQ_OPMON_INTERVAL and DUNEDAQ_OPMON_LEVEL. These can be seen further in Application.cpp:

  setenv("DUNEDAQ_OPMON_INTERVAL",    "10",0);
  setenv("DUNEDAQ_OPMON_LEVEL",  "1",0);
here DUNEDAQ_OPMON_INTERVAL sets the interval in seconds between each instance of calling get_info (currently set to 10 seconds), and DUNEDAQ_OPMON_LEVEL allows the user to define the level for get_info (currently set to 1).

Note: To disable operational monitoring set the interval to 0 seconds.

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Author: Marco Roda

Date: Fri Mar 24 15:44:15 2023 +0000

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